Thursday, June 25, 2015

To Upstate!

Summer is a time for making fun stuff happen. 

A few weekends ago we made some fun stuff happen.  We drove 5 hours north, Sean and Nicole drove 5 hours south, and we met up in Lodi, New York. Lodi is a small speck of a village, surrounded by other small villages and hamlets.  Finding a grocery store was a challenge, but there were wineries every 5 miles or less.

We went to a few, but the one that we really loved was called "Silver Thread Vineyard".  It was a quick walk up the hill from our little cabin and the view was as lovely and clear as the Chardonnay (I realize this was kind of a snotty sounding sentance- but it is true, and I couldn't help it!)

The Rasmussen men using a charcoal BBQ for the first time.  It was almost a hopeless affair.
Our last dinner in our odd and lovely little cabin.
It was a relaxing few days filled with dog walks, books (I read 3 Sherlock Holmes books in quick succession), bbqing, and beer.  Many hands of Hearts were played around the little table, late into the night.

The kitchen was non-existent, but we managed to make some some pretty excellent meals all the same, thanks to some creative cooking and managing the BBQ.
Hudson, The Labradoodle.  Also known to me as Hodge Podge, Hud-Dawg and The Honourable Sir Hudage of Cambridge.  I'm pretty proud of this picture.  Black dogs are super tricky to photograph.
This beauty of a dog was kind of the highlight of the trip.  Sean and Nicole got him as a puppy 6 months ago, and he is now one large and precious puppy. He was too cool.  I liked watching him galump around with his oversized limbs, and sometimes he would listen to me when I said "sit" and "stay" - thanks to his sweet disposition and Sean and Nicole's committment to training.

It was a great little trip, and I'm so glad that I got to spend it with these folks.

Sean, Nicole & Hudson. 2015
Dan & Gill. 2015