Monday, October 13, 2014

Thanksgiving in a Strange Land

I've been impressed with myself with how I'm adjusting to a new place, a new country - until yesterday.

Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday. When not with family, I've been known to corral anyone I can into our house and stuff them with turkey and roasted vegetables. This was the first year Dan and I were truly on our own for this holiday.  Normally this small thing would not stop me from bustling around the kitchen, cooking enough food to feed 30 people.  Normally I have all manner of cooking tools at my disposal: spoons, spatulas, baking trays, saucepans, meat thermometers, garlic peelers/crushers and turkey basters. Right now our kitchen houses a casserole dish and a slotted spoon.  I thought about how we could make McGyver a turkey dinner - it involved a very small turkey and boiling vegetables in the sink - but it just wasn't feasible.

I did a little bit of moping, and was preparing myself for my first peanut-butter-and-jam-sandwich-Thanksgiving-dinner when I got an email to snap me out of my sulky mood. My mother emailed me money and said "Happy Thanksgiving.  Go out for dinner" and Daniel had already been researching possible places we find turkey dinner. My people know me well.

As it turned out, we never did find a turkey dinner, but we did have a really nice meal (complete with leftovers!) So this Thanksgiving I'm thankful for new opportunities, family, friends... and the very best enchiladas.

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