Saturday, October 18, 2008

Big Daddy

I don't like zombies, zombie movies, zombie costumes, zombie stories, etc. The idea of them makes me feel kind of ill, and whoever had a sick enough mind to think them up and create an entire genre of horror to go along with them is forever in my bad books. The zombie film that frightened me the most was "Land of the Dead". I won't give away the storyline, but essentially there is an incredibly frightening zombie named "Big Daddy" who got smarter, and lead the rest of the zombies in a revolt against the humans. That is all you need to know for now.

Last night I volunteered at a gala for the first time. The theme of the evening was Mexico, and we got to wear these really snazzy ponchos and sombreros. I'm not going to lie - I have never felt more foolish in my life, but I got used to it pretty quickly. Generally, people don't take you very seriously when you are wearing a technicolour poncho.

When the MC arrived for the event, he immediately caught my attention. He was wearing coattails,(and pulled them off). He was tall with a very strong and stern face. For some reason, I was instantly intimidated by him, and spent half the evening puzzling why.

This is why I was intimidated.

Halfway through the night, I walked by a merchandise table full of cd's, photos, screen shots and action figures of the zombie "Big Daddy". I was going to walk right on by, when all of a sudden I stopped and backtracked.
I looked at the pictures.
I looked at the stage.
I looked at the pictures again.
The MC was Big Daddy.

Since I know that he isn't really a zombie, (his name is Eugene Clark) and merely played in a movie, I swallowed my fear, my pride and introduced myself. There I was, wearing a dollar store poncho and sombrero, talking to someone who had lived in some of my very vivid nightmares. We talked about his MC-ing talents and his connection to the charity. I figured he heard people fawing over him a fair amount about what a convincing zombie he was, so I decided not to tell him that I had nightmares for a week after watching that movie. It was a pleasant and short conversation, especially considering we were both tired after the evening's events. I excused myself so we could both finish our tasks for the evening and go home.

How cool is that? I met Big Daddy.

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