When I was much younger, and went trick-or-treating, my parents had some ground rules. Before we were allowed to indulge in the "goods" collected in our pillowcases, Mom would sort through the heaps of candy and take out ALL of the gum.
The reason for the removing (and then discarding of) of the gum was that apparently, as children, we had an awful habit of chewing gum in the same manner as a cow chews its cud. I always thought the gum discrimination was profoundly unfair and would protest it year after year.
Coming home from school today, I was sitting in front of someone who was chewing... no, smacking, his gum. It was annoying, mind-numbing, gross and aggravating. I stewed and tried to drown it out. But then I realized...
Mom was right all along. Sorry Mom.
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