Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Andre the Giant and the Adventures of a Teeny-tiny T-Rex

The other day, I met a giant.

I like catching the bus as early as possible. Getting to school with lots of leisure time is a priority. I like being on the bus when it is not too full. I like having space to sit by myself, and I am always very thankful when the bus is near empty.

The other day I had was one of those blissful mornings when the bus was mostly empty. I was sitting in the back, out of everyone's way. Almost all of the seats around me were completely empty. I was reading a new book and enjoying my morning. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a man who is regularly on my route. I would like to rephrase that. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a VERY LARGE man who is regularly on my route. He slowly starts walking to the back of
the bus. There is no reason that he would sit next to me – There has never been this much space on the bus before… In the history of bus rides –this is the most spacious.

"Don't sit next to me" I think.

He walks closer…

"He won't sit next to me."

He passes ten empty seats.

"Oh, for the love of Pete. Don't sit here."

He stops in front of me.

"He is going to sit here."

I would like to point out at this point that the bus bench that I was on was placed between two other seats. My shoulder was up against a half wall. The seat next to me is also against a wall. Instead of sitting in any of the many empty seats around, the VERY LARGE man stood for a
moment in front of me, and then proceeded to WEDGE himself between me and the wall.

This man was like Andre the Giant and I was completely dwarfed. The sight must have been ridiculous. I could not move my arms, and so I felt like a T-Rex turning pages of my book. Every sharp turn that the bus went around, my entire body was crushed between Andre and the wall. I was worried that if we turned too quickly, I would be squeezed too tightly and be popped out of the seat like a bar of soap and into the passenger across from me.

The bus eventually stopped at the subway station, which was my stop. I waited for Andre to get up first, so I could escape from my vice.

It wasn't his stop.

I wriggled around to loosen my noose. Nothing.

I wriggled some more. I gained a few inches. My feet weren't even touching the ground yet.

Apparently all my wriggling around annoyed him and he slowly turned and looked at me, as if he had just noticed that I was even there. He shifted, and I was sprung from my trap, and I moved on with my day, appreciative that I was still alive.

1 comment:

Rian said...

When you are a giant it can be hard to see whats around you. I believe this is why they get the bad wrap for destruction, its not their fault, they just didn't see all those villagers!