Monday, October 13, 2008

I love Thanksgiving. Sorry Turkeys.

All the life and love that exists behind Christmas is present at Thanksgiving. There is a large meal to symbolize a good harvest. There is the act of being thankful for what you have and your hopes for the future. What makes Thanksgiving better than Christmas is the honest humanity that can be seen everywhere. There is no pressure of gifts to show your love. Rather than using presents to express yourself, you have to use you actions, your words and your heart do the talking.

So of course, this holiday is all about giving thanks. What am I thankful for? Well, I am glad you asked... I'm thankful for my family, friends, coffee, wine, autumn trees, swimming in the ocean, sand, banjoes, raincoats, cornbread, quilts, pillows, books, libraries, cbc, music, scarves, early mornings, late nights, wool, balconies, cameras, football, showers, mountain, cats and houseplants...

...I am also thankful for turkeys.

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