Sunday, October 26, 2008

Let me tell you about October twenty-first...

The twenty-first was my birthday. Now, I usually love my birthday. I love the well-wishes, I love the attention and I do very much love presents.

That morning, I woke up cranky. Was it because I was uneasy about being twenty-four? Did I sleep on the wrong side of the bed? Did I have a bad dream?

My roomate gave me a lovely present first thing in the morning. It's a bracelet made by a self-identified gypsy from Nova Scotia. I personally had no idea that there were gypsies in my home province. But there you go! There are. It is made up of a mixture of beads and buttons. I love buttons and have been wearing the bracelet constantly. I was still cranky though.

At school, everyone wished me happy birthday multiple times. I received multitudes of well-wishes on my facebook. I was brought to the front of the class and wore a birthday crown while they sang to me. This was all probably a bigger deal than was made about my birthday then when I was in grade three, and it was all very sweet. My friend Lindsay bought me a hot chocolate (it was delicious). Still, somehow I managed to be cranky through all of this.

Getting home from school that day was pretty miserable. It started snowing and was very, very cold. It was not a pretty, peaceful first snow. It was nasty, and I was not dressed for it.

When I got home, there was a card waiting for me, and a parcel notice. The card was from Alie, a best-friend of mine in England. After reading the perfect card I piled on layers (couldn't find my mittens!) and trekked outside in search of the post-office. I found it, got my parcel (which was huge and light) and trekked back to the house. The parcel was also from Alie and was a bright green giant pillow with a smiley face and tentacles. There was also a message from her on my phone that brought a smile to my face. Later that night, my parents called and we had a lovely conversation. A few days earlier I had gotten a parcel from them with two home-made pottery mugs in my favourite colour and by my favourite potter. New treasures to be filled with tea and coffee.

So, finally, near the very of the night I let myself be happy. I had been slathered in love and kindness all day, and it finally cracked my shell of a bad mood. Twenty-four is not as bad as I thought it was going to be.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

24 is the BEST number of them all. And you have hardly any wrinkles. Just kidding, you have none!

I can understand the cranky birthday. I always feel weird knowing another year has gone by...and this one day doesn't feel much different from the rest. You did not seem cranky though, you hide it well!

Here's to the next 24....cheers. : )